No bearings on UPSR results.
AN error in the Aptitude Test will not affect pupils’ Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) results. The Malaysian Examinations Syndicate (MES) said the answer sheets provided pupils with options of A, B, C and D for questions 41 to 61. However, the question paper provided pupils with another option: E. The MES has directed invigilators in all state education departments to “hand score” all answers where pupils should have marked E for the relevant questions. The paper affected was last Thursday’s paper at 2.30pm. “The results of the aptitude test will not affect pupils’ UPSR results and is also not printed there,” the MES said in a statement. Since 2009, all Year Six pupils have had to sit for an aptitude test on the last day of the UPSR examination. It tests pupils on their interests, thinking, problem solving and decision-making skills.